Based on 92633 votes and 580 reviews.
loved it! loved it! loved it! I saw the Phantom live on stage in Indianapolis Indiana and Ontario Canada. Just saw the movie and fell in love with the Phantom again! What a beautiful love story, what a great movie!!!!!!!! Well done..........
I love The Phantom of the Opera... it has enspired me to take my highschool band to a perfessional level... if the play was ever to come back into toronto, I would do my hardest to earn a position in the orcastra! The music is absolutely overwelming and mind consuming... as well has the phantoms voice! <3 Gerand I believe, sings better then Michael does... probably because I prefer deeper voices. Although, Gerrand can hit the extremely high notes with more ease then Michael could. Long story short... I love this movie! The actors were picked out perfectly... although I dislike the Raoul character in general XD the actor who did his part...
Incredible Movie.
Absolutely captivating. The best movie I have ever seen. I can`t stop thinking about it. I went to see it two days in a row and can`t wait to see it again. It is the most beautiful movie that I have ever seen. I am going to buy the book.
I took my 13 year old grandson and he loved it. I had seen it on B`way and loved the music but now understand the story better.
I thought it was very romantic and I am very glad that I saw it. I have never seen opera before and i was thrilled by this excellant film production. I would recomend this movie to everyone of all ages. It really touched me.
I along with so many have seen this movie more than once. It is a beautiful film that seeps inside your heart and stays with you. Michael Crawford without a doubt has a wonderful voice yet, he does not sing with the emotion and passion that Gerard Butler does. This is a wonderful film and very much worth seeing. The critics need to put a mask on it.They are obviously void of any emotion or concept of what is truly a great movie. One has to ask "how did they get their jobs?" It boggles my mind to think that anyone would criticize the work of Andrew Loyd Webbers or his judgement. See the movie. You will not be disappointed.
oh my god! This is the best movie I have ever seen. I saw the play twice and was so excited when the movie came out. I bought the soundtrack and have been listening to it nonstop. I recommend this movie to evryone even if you dont like musicals you will love it. Gerard butler is so hot!!
This movie could not have proved people more wrong! A good movie is not that difficult to make. Phantom has proven that music, costumes, and wonderful actors do a movie make! I LOVED IT !!