Year One Movie Poster

Year One

User rating: 3.19 82 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: June 19, 2009

PG-13 | Comedy | 1h 37m

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User rating: 3.19

Based on 308 votes and 82 reviews.

  • User rating: 46 30.87%
  • User rating: 32 21.48%
  • User rating: 16 10.74%
  • User rating: 15 10.07%
  • User rating: 40 26.85%

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Showing 31-40 of 82 reviews

User rating: June 22, 2009

The worst movie ever don't waste your money.

User rating: June 22, 2009

One of the best comedies ever!

User rating: June 22, 2009

A Hilarious Romp!!

User rating: June 21, 2009

In a summer movie season that has thus far been dissmal, Year One ranks at the top of a very long list of bad movies. 1 star.

User rating: June 21, 2009

Waste of my $$$$. Some funny parts but the rest of the movie is boring

User rating: June 21, 2009

Had it's moments but really is just a renter.

User rating: June 21, 2009

Parts in the commercials were the only remotely funny parts. I actually walked out half way through when I decided my money was better spent driving home.

User rating: June 20, 2009

All the funny parts are in the trailer, Jack Black's movie-ending speech kind of reminds me of the same movie-ending speech Lindsay Lohan gave in Mean Girls. Watch the trailer, read the Bible, watch Mean Girls and there's Year One for you.

User rating: June 20, 2009

This movie was rife with gross-out humor, bad acting on the parts of most who weren't Jack Black or Michael Cera, and a terrible plotline. It failed to establish any character relationships, locations (at least for the first half-hour or so) or conflict. Also, I don't know what audience they were trying to reach. If I was a die-hard Christian, I would find it offensive that they mixed humor with seemingly random events from the Bible. Since I'm an atheist, I'm offended by the religious connotations. So unless you're a weak to moderate Christian, don't see this movie. You will only find yourself walking out at 45 minutes like I did.

User rating: June 20, 2009

An interesting comedic satire on early biblical stories. It helps to know a few of the stories to really get the jokes.