Based on 23783 votes and 447 reviews.
One of Steven`s and Cruise`s worst movie`s ever. The beginning was very well thought of, and the middle had a lot of time put into it, but th ENDING felt rushed and totally just PUT OUT for the sake of fnishing. Very unengrossing, very repetitive, and very boring. It lacked a lot. Tom`s character was very poorly scripted. Lately, with all the buzz and attention, you would think that Cruise`s FATHER ROLE would be hightened, instead of deminished. The movie needed a lot more work, time, and talent. It did not seem like a Speilberg movie at all. Maybe thats why so much attention and publicitty was put towards the TOMKAT relationship, to HELP THI
The alien-invasion in this movie is incredibly unrealistic, but the film is terrifying in its suspense. If you like to be scared out of your wits: go see it. If you prefer adventure sci-fi, spare yourself the money. I hated it.
I thought this movie to be a good watch and the ending to be cool and different then many other mainstream flix of this nature
i think that this is THE MUST SEE SUMMER MOVIE OF 2005. it had action, story, crazy visual effects, ONE AND ONLY STEVEN SPIELBERG and TOM CRUISE. what a combo. what else can you ask for??? great POPCORN MOVIE. the ENDING IS KIND OF A LETDOWN but nonetheless its a GRRRRRRRRRREAT MOVIE. don`t MISS IT.
Great movie! I almost did not see this movie because of some of the naegative comments, but went anyway and glad I did. It is a gritty movie, not light and entertaining like Independence Day, but the futility and desperation made it almost like a documentary of some horrible`s too fantastical to make it seem real to our senses...but it`s not the kind of movie that thrills you with delight, it makes you think and wonder, it`s horrifying and terrible to imagine....very, very, well done, superb, can`t say enough....
The ending is reasonable but surprisingly short. I guess it makes all the space evasion impossible eventually. Special effect is great and shocking. And although Dakota Fanning`s screaming is a bit annoying, I guess that`s the reality if things in the movie happen in real world. :D
WOW, very good movie, thoroughly enjoyed it.
A good modern variation on the H.G.Well`s story. Unlike the 1952 movie, these martian machines are much more like the descriptions in the original story. As an aside, when the first machine stood up in this movie, I could have sworn I saw a puff of steam. It didn`t look fake but I`m sure Well`s would have related to this. Story wise this movie is on parr with the 1952 version. Special effects wise it is much better.
great acting, well played out. plot was weird/.....wouldnt see it again