Based on 23783 votes and 447 reviews.
Are all you crazy. Whenever I read user comments on here you guys praise the dumbest movies, but when an actual really fun and scary blockbuster movie comes around you all say it`s crap because of an ending, or expecations. Usually I`ll find something to critique in a BIG film but I didn`t have many negetive words for this because I enjoyed myself WAY TOO MUCH!! Yes I did feel cheatet by the ending by the time I got home but I don`t measure a movie by its ending. How many movie do you remeber that ended completely perfect? exactly. About 4 and half out of 5! If you enjoy exiting rides, GO SEE IT!!!!!
This movie was AWESOME!!! I thought the ending a bit weak, but the rest was amazing! And Justin Chatwin is totally hot!!!!
To the person who said that Tom Cruise can`t act, I beg to differ. He CAN ACT! I`ve seen a lot of movies with Tom Cruise in them and he has been awesome in every one of them. Every actor in every movie that I have seen in the course of my life CAN ACT! Here`s a thought: Why do you think Hollywood pays them the big bucks to do these movies? And I mean BIG bucks like millions of $$ to star in these movies. Stop trashing the actors because they can act. Thank You!
No good.
The acting was pretty good, Fanning always seems to amaze me with her talent. Great effects. The movie kept you on the edge of your seat but all together wasn`t all that entertaining. The ending just fell apart, seemed like it was rushed. I give it 3 stars at the most and wouldn`t rank it amongst my favourite alien invation movies.
I hope everyone noticed that the grandfather at the end was actor Gene Barry the star of the original War of the Worlds. Nice touch! Good movie. Enjoyed it and not as bad as all the reviews above.
Wate of time and waste of money... those two directors must thought this world is full of 3 yr old
Whats with you people that liked this movie? Its totally garbage... not even downloading
excellent movie. the movie exceeded my expectations. well worth the effort to see. 5 stars!!!!
One of the best Tom Cruise action movie.