Twilight Movie Poster


User rating: 3.92 1274 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: November 21, 2008

PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Other, Romance | 2h 1m

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User rating: 3.92

Based on 20025 votes and 1274 reviews.

  • User rating: 1859 56.32%
  • User rating: 439 13.30%
  • User rating: 363 11.00%
  • User rating: 169 5.12%
  • User rating: 471 14.27%

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Showing 981-990 of 1274 reviews

User rating: November 22, 2008

this movie is AWESOME

User rating: November 22, 2008

Loved it

User rating: November 22, 2008

Fast paced compared to the book. Overall an awesome movie though, must see!

User rating: November 22, 2008

Worst movie ever!!! Poor acting. I could have did a better job that they did lol. Didn't develop the love story as well as it should have and did not even go in order or follow the same story line as the book. (What the heck) They sooo should have waited until they had money to put into the movie. Could so tell they were on a low budget. I went with a group and none of us will be going too see the rest of the movies.

User rating: November 22, 2008

Best movie in the world!! Fantastic!! All the actors were well put together and acted. Nothing was wrong with the movie. Well sure they skipped a few scenes, but what movie doesn't? This movie has definitely captured my heart and I can't wait to see the rest of the Twilight movies! Well done Catherine!

User rating: November 22, 2008

I'm very disappointed it the movie..Ofcourse I didnt expect it to be as good as the book but really this is quite sad. No chemistry between Bella and Edward...instead of looking graceful edward look confused througout the movie. The plot did not flow..and the worst was the makeup.I mean what was up with that..specially Carslie's makeup...I mean his forehead to chin was a different color than his really should get makeup artists who know how to put on foundation=| I hope they do better with new moon if it comes out

User rating: November 22, 2008

You can't expect Holloywood to be able fit the entire book into a hour and half - two hour movie so you can't expect everything to be as it is in the book. I think they tried to focus on the important parts of the book. I think the movie was fantastic and I am anxious to see if they will indeed make New Moon. I think the book was brought to life well!

User rating: November 22, 2008

Special effects were quite shoddy, but as said they had to work with a low budget. Personally, I thought the movie moved quite fast. How can you fall in "love" with someone in 10 minutes movie time? It didn't show their romantic struggles to an extent. The Actors weren't terrible, but not terrific. Edward seemed more like a joke, rather than cool, collected, and sizzling hot.("Hold on tight, spider-monkey?!!)I had a different idea about his exterior too- broad, muscular, wavy brown hair, kind of like Clark Kent. Anway, moving on. Bella was alright, but not the stubborn, passionate gal we read about in Twilight. If I had never held Twilight in my hands and went to this movie, I'm su

User rating: November 22, 2008

WEll first off. There could have been fangs...the movie was tooo tooo cheesy without fangs! Like how could they tear through an animal with no fangs. ALso ..acting was to excitment. Add HUMOUR..please..makes any movie better. Like harry potter a lil humour here and there. And the movie was wayy to jumpy..jumped from scene to scene! Too confusing. I went with my boyfriend and he had not read the book. So I had to explain what was going on through the whole movie..cuz it didnt make sense. I read the I knew. And lastly..special efffects BIG FAT ZERO. If you want people to get into the movie..MAKE IT REAL. DAMN I WISH I COULD DIRECT THIS MOVIE. would have been a hit!

User rating: November 22, 2008
