In Theaters: December 25, 2005
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Documentary, Drama | 2h 14m
Based on 665 votes and 78 reviews.
A movie that was really a poem and a painting. It was lovely and haunting and the pacing that many think was too slow was to me beautifully hypnotic. It didn`t spell everything out for you, it let you feel your way through the story using the music and cinematography as signposts. I am so happy I got to see this film on the big screen.
I actually thought this moving was pretty brilliant. Yes, it was slow, but Terrence Mallick has a knack for beautiful visuals. The cinematography was stunning, the music was unique, the acting was good. I think everyone was expecting some kind of action movie where Englishman and Native Americans would run around and kill each other for two hours, but I found this movie to be a much more thought-provoking and tender story. Worth seeing in theatres for the visuals alone.
The first mistake of this movie was putting in Nationwide release when you probably think this movie will do less to achieve any kind of praise.Yes it was boring and bland,The slow plot was a nonexisting road to nowhere it was just bad directing and really the actors couldn`t save this movie one bit. The critics are a disgrace and I can`r still figure them out giving this movie and SYRIANA praises when actually both were dull,bland and had so many unanswered questions.Ebert to who I respect really sre getting old or being paid off by movie companies. Like I said I love movies and tend to want to follow a movie when it is slow in running
Save your money - this one doesn`t even rate as "rentable". People left the theatre, conversations broke out due to boredom. I would have left, but I kept thinking "It`s got to get better than this!". I was proven wrong. The highlight by far was when the laser pointer came out from someone in the audience for some much needed entertainment.
Excellant movie to catch up on your must needed sleep, I would have left early, but I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes near the end of the movie, most of the movie-goers had already left. One word to sum up this experience "BORING"
The movie was quite a departure from the comic book genre that I suspect many in the audience had hoped for. After the showing I attended, the comments I overheard from some of those who had attended, and while they were filing out, lead me to believe that that was the case. In my opinion,the high praise from many of the crirics seemed justified. My complaint was that this movie suffered from poor sound projection quality.Dialogue was difficult to follow because of this.I might add that too often the sound quality is relatively poor. Background music often tends to drown out dialogue and speech is indistinct.
If a film could be given a negative number of stars, this would be the one. The New World was without a doubt the worst film I have ever seen. The sound track was pedantic. The endless narration by the lead characters was enough to make you scream and when some-one finally did have some actual dialogue the poor sound quality made it almost impossible to understand. Lets not even discuss the subject of historical accuracy. About the only positive thing I can say about this film is that "Pocahontis" was incredibly attractive and I really liked the "native american" costumes. I hope this piece of #@&!#$ doesn`t have a detrimental effect on her
This movie was great...not!!! Half the theater walked out before the end. Maybe it was a "gem of a film" if you like to watch National Geographic! Im sure its one of those artsy type movies but really how much of an audience does that stuff appeal to? Obviously not much, seeing the responses.
The music was like fingernails on a chalkboard. Watching people shuffle about in the background was pathetic. No direction, no purpose, pointless. Yuck !
My friends and myself keep each other awake. If I had gone alone I would have had to walk out and ask for a refund or the ushers would have had to wake me up when they came into clean theatre.