Based on 166718 votes and 772 reviews.
If Tolkien saw this movie he would roll over in his grave. Farmir was destroyed. Elves at Helms Deep, since when? And Aragorn falling off the cliff to go meet Arwen...she is only in the trilogy about 4 times! I guess it just shows you that it is impossible to make a book of that stature into a 3hour movie.
ELVES 4EVER!!! (especially legolas...)
Just go and see it and judge for yourself. You will be doing yourself a favour.
i loved the movie going tonight again to see it
Visually stunning... the downside, it makes the actors and story secondary.
Orlando bloommmm ..... (drool)
No other movies could compare. It`s by far one of the best movies ever made.
They did a great job of intensifying the action and the story to make this a great trilogy. I can`t wait for part 3.
I though Lord of The Rings The Two Towers was better than the first on because it was more action packed than the first one.