The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Movie Poster

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

User rating: 4.58 772 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 18, 2002

PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Drama, Other | 2h 59m

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User rating: 4.58

Based on 166718 votes and 772 reviews.

  • User rating: 146087 88.34%
  • User rating: 688 0.42%
  • User rating: 1358 0.82%
  • User rating: 2860 1.73%
  • User rating: 14370 8.69%

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Showing 151-160 of 772 reviews

User rating: March 11, 2003

I love that movie ! it`s the best in the world!! the books r great too! Legolas is hott!! J.R.R Tolkien is truely a genius.

User rating: March 10, 2003

nasty, ugly and will never get an oscar. although it was my friends favourite its my least favourite

User rating: March 10, 2003

It was a thrilling movie. The movie had plenty of adventure and action.

User rating: March 10, 2003

Pure Genius

User rating: March 7, 2003

Beautifully made, breathtaking scenery, wonderful actors, perfect CG creations - and I also love those parts, where the film does not strictly follow Tolkien`s book: especially Morwen and her children.

User rating: March 7, 2003

Legolas is hot! go elves!! we loves it saw it ten times so far!!

User rating: March 5, 2003

for one thing, Gandalf isn`t even a human, he is a supernatural being- a wisard. How can people not like this movie? it is so good, a true epic, but with a perfect story. Tolkein is a genius, the fact that he had all this running through his brain ( way more, they cut tons) i highly recommend reading the books, its written like a prehuman history, its so accurate. Just amazing, dazzeling. anyone that doesn`t like this falls into the "fast and the furious, i don`t need a story to entertain me, just violence and naked women, swearing and overall nothing with substance"

User rating: March 5, 2003

The acting the cinematography and the story all are truely excellent!!

User rating: March 3, 2003

too good

User rating: March 3, 2003

this movie has every thing. sad,happy,fighting.funny. i cant wait 4 the 3erd one comin out:christmas 2003