Based on 166718 votes and 772 reviews.
I love that movie ! it`s the best in the world!! the books r great too! Legolas is hott!! J.R.R Tolkien is truely a genius.
nasty, ugly and will never get an oscar. although it was my friends favourite its my least favourite
It was a thrilling movie. The movie had plenty of adventure and action.
Pure Genius
Beautifully made, breathtaking scenery, wonderful actors, perfect CG creations - and I also love those parts, where the film does not strictly follow Tolkien`s book: especially Morwen and her children.
Legolas is hot! go elves!! we loves it saw it ten times so far!!
for one thing, Gandalf isn`t even a human, he is a supernatural being- a wisard. How can people not like this movie? it is so good, a true epic, but with a perfect story. Tolkein is a genius, the fact that he had all this running through his brain ( way more, they cut tons) i highly recommend reading the books, its written like a prehuman history, its so accurate. Just amazing, dazzeling. anyone that doesn`t like this falls into the "fast and the furious, i don`t need a story to entertain me, just violence and naked women, swearing and overall nothing with substance"
The acting the cinematography and the story all are truely excellent!!
too good
this movie has every thing. sad,happy,fighting.funny. i cant wait 4 the 3erd one comin out:christmas 2003