Burlesque Movie Poster


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User rating: 4.13

Based on 1488 votes and 579 reviews.

  • User rating: 638 44.99%
  • User rating: 492 34.70%
  • User rating: 168 11.85%
  • User rating: 70 4.94%
  • User rating: 50 3.53%

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Showing 221-230 of 579 reviews

User rating: January 6, 2011

i loved it!! it had a nice story line and the singing and dancing was amazing

User rating: January 6, 2011

Great Movie

User rating: January 6, 2011

good movie acting was a little touch and go at time with christina. but overall is worth the money.

User rating: January 6, 2011

I went into the show thinking it was going to be a horrible movie was it was awesome! Christina and Cher are wonderful and the singing, dancing where fantastic!!!

User rating: January 6, 2011

My Sister in Law and I saw the movie and LOVED it. Cher is the best and Christine is a powerhouse and can act well. We will see this again, and already bought the soundtrack.

User rating: January 6, 2011

amazing for the two to work together, i love both of them and it was interesting to get to know how she became who she is today.

User rating: January 6, 2011

Awesome movie, Cher rocks

User rating: January 6, 2011

Cher and Christina are an amazing combination. I love their vocals. The movie was fun and there was a story line that kept my interest.

User rating: January 6, 2011

I saw this movie because I am a hugh fan of CHer, and expected it to be a chick flick, but was suprised to actually enjoy the movie.

User rating: January 6, 2011

Very entertaining. Cher and Christina did a great job - thoroughly enjoyed it.