In the first official trailer for the animated film Trolls, we see the hair of a small purple character pull back and hear a voice say, "My name is Branch, and I am a troll." Branch (Justin Timberlake) can be seen navigating the "heavily fortified survival bunker" he calls home and explains to us that he lives in such a secure facility because just outside his door lies a "nightmare" named Poppy (Anna Kendrick).
Poppy is the overjoyed leader of the trolls who, as Branch states, has never encountered a problem...until now. An enormous, evil creature called a Burgen has taken control and taken all the other trolls hostage.
As Justin's hit pop track "Can't Stop the Feeling" plays out, Branch must put aside his dislike for Poppy and help her on her quest to rescue the trolls. The imaginative and brightly colored trailer also features characters voiced by Zooey Deschanel, Russell Brand, James Corden and Gwen Stefani.