The official restricted extended trailer for The Edge of Seventeen opens as a young woman named Nadine (Hailee Steinfeld) tears through a high school and barges into the classroom of a teacher (Woody Harrelson). She confesses to him that she's going to kill herself. In an unexpected response, the teacher makes light of the situation and jokingly tells Nadine that he's also considering suicide after being hounded by her every lunch break.
The trailer continues as we're given a glimpse into the dynamics of Nadine's school. She's on the outskirts of the popular, "cool" group but takes comfort in having her best friend Krista (Haley Lu Richardson) by her side. The two girls are content with each other. However, when Nadine walks in on her perfect older brother (Blake Jenner) and Krista in bed together, her security blanket disappears and she's left feeling secluded.