In this restricted trailer for animated comedy Sausage Party, a woman is grocery shopping for what appears to be a barbeque. She's got ketchup, mustard, potatoes, all she needs now is sausages and buns. Two packs, one of sausages and one of buns, are ecstatic to find that they've been chosen. Frank (Seth Rogen), a sausage, and Brenda (Kristen Wiig), a bun, are smitten with each other and believe it's fate that they're finally leaving the store together. Once home, the food is released from their plastic package prison, each breathing a sigh of relief. They're finally home. They all gleefully cheer on their potato friend as he is picked up, believing he's entering the promised land for all of foodkind. But, no such place exists. The woman begins savagely peeling off the potato's skin, to everyone's sheer horror. And they're next. Now they must figure out a way to save themselves before they're all dead - and dinner.