The second trailer for Rogue One: A Star Wars story opens as Imperial forces, led by Director Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), close in on a farm. Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) kneels down and tells his daughter Jyn, "Whatever I do, I do it to protect you." Shortly after, an adult Jyn (Felicity Jones) awakes in a prison cell. But it isn't long before she's freed from captivity.
As the trailer continues and we're hurled into a galaxy far, far away, it's revealed that a "rebellion is all that remains to push back the Empire." We see Jyn interact with various players in this rebellion and learn that her father, now long lost, is "critical to the development of a super weapon." Jyn then becomes part of a squad that embarks on a quest to find her father and dismantle the Empire. Plenty of stunning action sequences, intense battle shots and furious explosions light up the remainder of the trailer.