In the latest trailer for the animated Kubo and the Two Strings, we're given more insight into the story line and how young Kubo winds up tasked with such a daunting order. The trailer begins by Monkey (voiced by Charlize Theron) explaining to Kubo (voiced by Art Parkinson) that his village has been burned to the ground, his enemies aren't far behind and they need to leave.
As the pair set off and seek a moment's reprieve from the snow around a fire-pit inside a cave, Monkey describes how the magic of Kubo's mother saved him from a spiteful, ancient spirit. That force happens to be the same one Kubo has just mistakenly summoned. We learn that Monkey was resurrected by Kubo's mother to help the young warrior find his father's armor, which is the only protection Kubo has.
Much like the trailers that have come before it, this one stuns with visual appeal and hypnotizing imagery. It also features Beetle (voiced by Matthew McConaughey), a former student of Kubo's father. The trailer unfolds to a beautiful instrumental cover of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps."