In the international trailer for Baywatch, head lifeguard Mitch Buchanan (Dwayne Johnson) introduces new recruit Matt Brody (Zac Efron) to his team, as the "heart and soul of this very beach," while a montage of car chases and fiery explosions is shown. Unconvinced, Brody tells the Baywatch team that what they’re talking about sounds like a really entertaining, but far-fetched TV show.
Summer Quinn (Alexandra Daddario) wonders why her fellow lifeguard C.J. Parker (Kelly Rohrbach) always seems to be running in slow motion. Buchanan, Brody, and the rest of the Baywatch lifeguards have to come together to put a stop to corrupt resort owner Victoria Leeds (Priyanka Chopra) and her crime ring that is threatening the beach. There’s definitely more to this job than just swimming!