In Theaters: May 1, 2009
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 1h 47m
Based on 4578 votes and 213 reviews.
Very good movie. I liked how everything tied into the X-Men movies. 3.5 stars
I'm tired of people downing this movie. I loved it! Yeah, it didn't follow the comics exactly but wolverine has such a long history, that to fit his whole origin into a single movie would be impossible! And marvel must have been okay with it or they would have never backed the script. As an added note Liev as Victor was awesome he added a personality to a character that in the first movie was 2-D. Sabre tooth isn't the brightest but he is ruthless and Liev got that dead on! 5 Stars!
Good, hype was over the top before the trailers came out. Good anyways.
I loved it. Go X-men.
You kidding me?! This is one awesome movie!!!
only problem i had with this movie was that gambit have a cajun accent like in the original series
this movie is thrilling
Surpassed my expectations - been reading Uncanny X-men since I was about 15 and the characters are perfect.....Hugh Jackman was born to play the role of Wolverine...he's perfect!!!
best movie ever dead pool Ryan renalds was the perfect choice for him.
This movie ROCKED ! Much better than I expected !