Vacation Movie Poster


User rating: 3.16 53 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: July 29, 2015

R | Action, Adventure, Comedy | 1h 57m

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User rating: 3.16

Based on 136 votes and 53 reviews.

  • User rating: 54 43.55%
  • User rating: 10 8.06%
  • User rating: 8 6.45%
  • User rating: 6 4.84%
  • User rating: 46 37.10%

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Showing 21-30 of 53 reviews

User rating: August 17, 2015

Hard to finish watching this much cheese with very minimal substance. Just boring.

User rating: August 14, 2015

The original Vacation rated 93 on Rotten Tomatoes. This one rates 23. If you enjoyed the first one, don't see this one. Crude, vulgar, and seriously unfunny

User rating: August 14, 2015

funniest movie ever

User rating: August 14, 2015

This movie stinks even without the needless "F" bombs.

User rating: August 13, 2015

It is hilarious

User rating: August 11, 2015

For those who left a review claiming this movie was funny, I feel very sorry for you. This movie no where compares with "Vacation" movies we have enjoyed in the past. The coarse language was totally bad and inappropriate from the word go, However if the vulgar language was removed there would be very little dialogue left. I have given this movie one star rating because Chevy Chase's brief appearance might merit it. Save your money. See another movie instead of this one.

User rating: August 9, 2015

So funny! This movie was hilarious. Funniest thing in a long time - loved it.

User rating: August 8, 2015

If the "f" word makes you laugh, you'll find this movie hilarious. Otherwise, a mediocre movie.

User rating: August 8, 2015

it was funny not the best story but really funny scenes

User rating: August 8, 2015

It was so funny!!!