Unknown Movie Poster


User rating: 4 121 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: February 18, 2011

PG-13 | Action, Drama, Thriller | 1h 53m

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User rating: 4

Based on 410 votes and 121 reviews.

  • User rating: 154 41.85%
  • User rating: 104 28.26%
  • User rating: 74 20.11%
  • User rating: 28 7.61%
  • User rating: 8 2.17%

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Showing 11-20 of 121 reviews

User rating: April 7, 2011

This movie kept you guessing all through the film. The ending was a surprise for certain. I love Liam Neeson so I'm a bit biased, but his performance in this movie was great.

User rating: April 7, 2011

Really entertaining thriller.

User rating: April 4, 2011


User rating: April 2, 2011

Liam Neeson is so good in this.

User rating: March 31, 2011

Very entertaining action movie that will make you think.

User rating: March 27, 2011

It'll definitely keep you entertained.

User rating: March 25, 2011

Really good thriller...nice twist.

User rating: March 25, 2011

very entertaining...good brainless fun!!

User rating: March 24, 2011

Pretty good movie...how can one not look Neeson?

User rating: March 24, 2011

I liked the movie. It leaves you guessing until the end and I didn't expect what happens next like other movies.