Based on 20025 votes and 1274 reviews.
I am absolutely in love with the Twilight BOOK. The movie on the other hand was beyond terrible. I had low expectations to begin with and it somehow failed to meet my low expectations. I don't know what boggles my mind more, how some ppl genuinely loved it or the fact there's going to be a sequel.
very poor movie all around. just terrible. i dont recommend that people go see it, its not worth anyones money. as much as i myself and others like the book, the movie is just a total disapointment.
It was not what I had pictured. Though it had some funny scenes I would not rush out to see it again. There were many important parts that were left out. The music, did not appear to have the feel of the movie. If you go to Myers site, she has a huge list of music that she was listening to while writing the book. IF they do a second move, take in to consideration the music that she was listening too. Poor Jasper looked like he pooped he pants the whole movie. Regardless it was light and refreshing.
wonderful movie, obviously the book is usually better, ppl shud expect that.
soooooo good :)
The actors were wonderful in thier portrayal of the characters Edward and Bella. The movie started off moveing to fast and choppy through the crucial setting up of the romantic nature between Bella and Edward. It felt rushed and confusing. If you had not read the book you wouldn't have understood what was going on between the characters. At first it seemed as if you were watching a documentory or a movie produced by an amateur film producer. They cut so many parts from the book that you wondered if most of the film and story ended up on the editing room floor. Several of the parts that were in the trailers were left out of the movie. These were crucial parts which when cut out made the move
this book saga is so awsome i could cry it's addictive and so special. the romance beetweent bella and edward is captivateing! i love twilight terific job stephanie meyer!!
in my opinion,it was a good movie. if you've never read the book then you would think it was amazing. yes, they did leave out some stuff and rushed the meadow scene but what i think people are disappointed about is that it wasnt what they pictured in there head. all in all, i recommend people to watch it and i hope they continue with the series :)
I couldn't stop squealing !! Robert Pattinson is soo HOT as Edward!
edward, you are my life now. AMAZING, purely amazing.