Based on 158381 votes and 714 reviews.
Amazing. Well worth the wait. The effects are great,lots of action and funny too. What more can one ask for.
GREAT MOVIE!!!!! Optimus looks better with his fighting guard on. Great action, funny aswell.
i didn't want to watch this movie at all but i loved it! it was great
When I had heard about this movie just a year ago i knew it was going to be good, but when i actually saw it, it wasn't good but it was AMAZING, Michael Bay is a great director, he makes great movies like Bad Boys II, maybe you michael could have directed the Spider-man movies yours would be better, Sam raimi can't make a spiderman film all he does is just turn them into a chick flick!
5 stars should say it all!
Action packed and funny! What more could you ask for?
Transformers is the best movie ever
I can't say this movie was amazing. I guess I should've known that Michael Bay = Big guns and explosions! I have to say the dialogue and plot was simple, but not witty. Not an intelligent movie. I preferred Die Hard, Spidey 3 and Silver Surfer over this. Go watch Ratatouille! That's a great movie.
An all out 2 hour GM commercial, other than that it was action packed...but how much better would it have been if Bumble-bee been a VW Bug?
Great movie, though, I will warn some people that if your expecting real life, don't go. This is great if your not in that state of mind which is why 5 *'s