In Theaters: November 20, 2009
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Other, Romance | 2h 10m
Based on 1756 votes and 267 reviews.
If you love the books you will love the movie!!
an awesome movie
the best movie ever i could watch it all day all night and 4 ever...
It was a bore. The story line was horrible, and there was no attraction between the love interests. THe only decent acting came out of Taylor, the guy who plays Jacob.
it was the best movie ever made
Such a good movie! If you havent read the series it keeps you guesing and very interesting!
this movie is sooo cool and sooo exiting
It was an Okaay movie. But i got bored... they dragged some stuff out. I was starting to fall asleep during the movie. I liked the first one better.
I love this movie could watch it over and over again!!!!