In Theaters: November 20, 2009
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Other, Romance | 2h 10m
Based on 1756 votes and 267 reviews.
This movie ROCKED. I wish they put more Edward in it. Awesome fight scenes and so much cemistry between Bella and Edward. If you didn't see it yet you don't know what you are missing!!!!!!
This movie is very long and does not get to the point. It drags on too long for nothing to happen. The first movie was a lot better than this.
I thought the movie was very well done. I will be going to see it again.
it was a great movie seen it 2 time. need the edmmit in it more
Soooo AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! What a love story...I was very impressed
True to the book! Can't wait for Eclipse!
Acting is horrible especially's Bella's acting!!
me and my boyfriend went to this movie and we loved it! i definatly cant wait till the next one comes out:)
it was a great movie!
This movie is amazing!! I can understand how people who have not read the book can be confused (so get off your butt and read it!!) don't judge if you don't know its true potencial. This movie was by far better than Twilight but thats probably because im in love with jacob. I completely suggest watching it! GO TEAM JACOB!