The Passion of the Christ Movie Poster

The Passion of the Christ

User rating: 4.73 876 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: February 25, 2004

R | Drama | 2h 6m

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User rating: 4.73

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Showing 501-510 of 876 reviews

User rating: March 5, 2004

Not anti-semitic, unless you missed the entire point of the film. The Pharisee`s do not represent the Jewish people -- they represent all and any power and authority that feels threatened. The movie`s overwhelming message tells of the love that is required for someone to allow themselves to be put through the undescribable torture that Jesus went through. If you believe He is the Son of God, then the point is a humbling experience of extreme and undeserved love by a God that loves so much that He, the Eternal and the Creator would step into time to live as His creation, and ultimately to suffer and die at the hands of His creation. If you

User rating: March 5, 2004

I thought it was thought provoking without pointing fingers at any particular group of people. It did not answer any questions but left you with many, which is what a film should do. I think Mr. Gibson was brave to take it on, but no less than I would expect from him. He has film integrity.

User rating: March 5, 2004

Extremely gory/bloody/pathetic movie. After braveheart and the patriot, Mel Gibson just seems to wonder if all this flesh ripping/torchering will get him another hit. Nasty movie, a piece of flesh of human being sliced. BAD! Not suitable for young or adults.

User rating: March 5, 2004

This is the best movie I have ever seen. It is such an amazing religious experience. It was so moving, to see what Jesus did for all mankind. I think the amount of violence is appropriate to express exactly how much Jesus suffered. I recommend this movie!!

User rating: March 5, 2004

Anti-semetic? Give me a break already. Are you people going to argue with the historical record and the Bible? Why don`t you shut up until you have your facts straight. Quit slandering Mel and Christianity. Also, anyone who does not believe Christ was the Son of God will not get this movie at all, okay?. It WILL seem like nothing more than a drawn out torturefest precisely because of their unbelief. Too graphic? You obviously don`t know much about the facts of crucifixion then-it was actually worse! Finally a movie with substance and subject matter that actually means something! Critics should shut up and let those of us who believe in Him en

User rating: March 5, 2004

It`s the best film on Christ ever released.

User rating: March 5, 2004

I am deeply touched by this movie and think God is sending us a clear massege to remind us of his love and care ,we are not alone on earth God used everybody in this movie to bring us back to his caring love.

User rating: March 5, 2004

It`s an amazing movie way beyond my expectations. Thank God, there is Mel Gibson !!!

User rating: March 5, 2004

truly a phenominal movie, one of the best ive ever seen. So depressing yet truly inspirational.

User rating: March 5, 2004

At last someone portrayed Christ close to what He really must have looked like physically. He was a carpenter. A skilled labourer. He was a muscular man because of His trade. He was not sickly or weak looking at all. Thank-you Mel Gibson for staying close to the biblical accounts of the cross and Christ`s suffering. But let`s not forget that after the cross comes the real victory - The Resurection.