Based on 181552 votes and 876 reviews.
i thought the movie was excellent..but way to graphic for me....but after all its reality isn`t ....but i have a hard time watching anything that graphic..had to see the movie but never again would i like to see anything like that again...
very well done movie. good job mel!!!
Incredible movie!The truth about WHY and HOW Jesus Christ died for you and me becomes more and more powerfull and obvious each time you see this movie.The reality was worse than this film depicts. Look past the violence and see the LOVE. Communion will never be the same again for me. Thank you Jesus and thank you Mel for bringing the Truth to the big screen!
I commend Mel Gibson for taking on such an ambitious project, i believe that he was trying to capture the story to the closest the way it really happened.
personally i thought mel gibson did an amazing job on this movie. it was very realistic and very touching it was a great movie
So stupid! The first 10 minutes of him being beaten were dramatic, but the later 20 werent. its like 2 hours of repetitive beating. how can anyone like this?
Totally unnecessary gory and violence. I understand that what Christ endured was horrific but I thought this movie focused too much on this. There is a entire story about Jesus and his life to tell. Why focus only on this sickening part? I feel similar to some individuals on this message board. I could barely to watch half of this movie. Good idea just not the best way to approach it!
this movie really makes u think of what Jesus did for us. When u go see this movie, cry and think of what he went through, and this movie makes it pretty clear.U dont see the Passion, u FEEL th Passion.Amzin movie.!!
I am thrilled that Mel Gibson listened to the Holy Spirit and made this movie. I did not ,however, think it was any more violent than it really was. Christ died for the whole world. Every person past present and future. I am so thankful for His gift. Salvation is His gift and with that comes His LIFE living in us. The movie was SO AMAZING!!! I will be going again, soon.
Rmember that Jesus was a Jew and Jews were crucified daily by the Romans, Remember where we came from