The Passion of the Christ Movie Poster

The Passion of the Christ

User rating: 4.73 876 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: February 25, 2004

R | Drama | 2h 6m

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User rating: 4.73

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  • User rating: 11522 6.37%

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Showing 241-250 of 876 reviews

User rating: April 1, 2004

I enjoyed the movie very much. It wasn`t gory as some would like you to believe. I would say that it`s disturbing if you have no idea as to how cruel us humans can be. Maybe that`s why they say the movie is gory? I`ve read up on the Roman`s torture methods, so was not surprised with what I saw. I must confess that I did need some facial tissue with me to wipe the tears. This is a movie that I will purchase when the DVD version come out.

User rating: April 1, 2004

After seeing the movie two times, I have to say that this portrayal of the last hours of Christ has reinforced my deep belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. As to how I feel watching the film all i can say is. Thank-you my Lord Christ and I love you.

User rating: March 31, 2004

Ok here it is for all those stupid people, that say it was too gory, too brutal, that in no way was possible, LISTEN UP AND READ REAL GOOD, a cat of nine tails is one of teh most brutal devices of torture, it is strands of leather connected to a handle and on each of these many strands of leather or rope are connected shards of metal strewn up a measure of the length of the strand, the bible says teh sentance for scourging was 40 lashes with this device minus one, so it would be 39 cause 40 lashes would kill a man, TO AWAKEN OTHER FOOLS JESUS WAS NOT A MAN HE WS THE SON OF GOD , HE died on teh cross as a man , go read teh bible and stiop with

User rating: March 31, 2004

PRAISE THE LORD!!! :) God Bless Everyone!

User rating: March 31, 2004

Powerfull and moving!! Need to be a believer in Christ, his message and sacrifice in order to truly understand the movie and its message. Only change I would have liked to see was the resurection extended to include Christ`s image appearing before his disciples asking them to spread his message of love and sacrifie. Gibson is to be commended for the truthfulness portrayed in the movie!

User rating: March 31, 2004

Jesus was murdered before thousands of witnesses.

User rating: March 30, 2004

I was spiritually moved again at what Christ has done for me when He died for my sins, disease and pain. I thought my heart was going to break when Mary, Jesus mother, ran to Him when He was carry the cross up the hill. I am so thankful that Mel Gibson made this film.

User rating: March 30, 2004

This is a very deep and intense movie. It was very strange being in a packed movie audience and being surrounded by the absence of noise and consistent silence. The audience was literally breathing together. Nothing was stirring. The movie made me think about why we are here and what Jesus role was all about. I don`t see the need to point my finger at any one person or race for what happended to Jesus. We all can look in the mirror and admit that our happiness is a mere reflection of whether or not we are following the path that Jesus hoped we would follow to find love and forgiveness. This movie is very worth while seeing. It will mak

User rating: March 30, 2004

If you go in blind and not knowing this is about jesus, rating as a movie, this movie is just sorry... very bad made. No rising climax, no whatever, plain bottom out. But if you know what it`s about before you go in and watch, it might be better.

User rating: March 30, 2004

I think the movie was very powerful, thought provoking, educational and inspirational. It humanizes jesus christ and gives me a better appreciation of what he tries to accomplish throughout his life, to wash away the sin and corruption of mankind, and to bring love and peace to this world. The move touches me deeply and brought me to tears at time, which is uncommon for me in a theatre. Well directed, scripted, and music score. Bravo! MEL