Based on 104008 votes and 777 reviews.
it was a very special movie that touches your heart
This is a beautiful movie and by seeing this movies, it gives people hope that love can survive.
The notebook wiil go in my collection of beautiful stories along with "The Color Purple" Movie.
the notebook is the best movie i`ve ever watched.It`s funny and sad.I had to go by the movie, now i watch it over and over again.
Both me and my boyfriend cryed although he tried to cover it up
the notebook is the best picure of 2004
This movie was the best I`ve see in a long time,very moving. From the moment I turned the DVD I could not turn it off. I`m glad this movie ended the way it did, true love withstands many things, even time.
"The Notebook" is one of the few movies that is actually better than the novel or book that it`s based upon. I could watch the movie everyday and never tire of it. I am in love!!!
I thought the notebook wasthe best love movie ever shown.I felt like I was Allie friend and I was right there in the movie. There was times I felt like I was an actor and I was looking on. It was the best.
This is the first time I`ve been obsessed with a movie..I`ve watched it countless of times and never saw one flaw in it..everything was perfect..the casting,the makes you feel happy and sad at all the right moments..and hopeful afterwards.