The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring Movie Poster

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

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User rating: 4.66

Based on 102060 votes and 1213 reviews.

  • User rating: 90732 90.64%
  • User rating: 490 0.49%
  • User rating: 504 0.50%
  • User rating: 510 0.51%
  • User rating: 7865 7.86%

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Showing 841-850 of 1213 reviews

User rating: January 5, 2002

Loved it

User rating: January 5, 2002

simply amzing !!!!

User rating: January 4, 2002

i thought the movie was amazingly good. i`ve already seen it twice, and deffinately will see it for a 3rd time.

User rating: January 4, 2002

I thought that the Lord Of the Rings was one of the best movies ever created, I personally think that J. Tolken was a genius. Totally great One of the Best ***** stars. They even told the tale perfectly at the beginning so that even the people who haven`t read the books could know what it was about and really get into it!!!!

User rating: January 4, 2002

OK finally saw it. I`m a Tolkien nut and was impressed with Jackson`s vision of Middle Earth. Visually it was staggering in scope I will agree to that. Saruman`s tower of Orthanc and the entire journey through the mines of Moria were outstanding representations of the book - in particular Gandalf`s confrontation with the Balrog on the Bridge of Kazad-dum was for me perhaps the most overwhelming visual of the movie. It pretty much followed the book except for one major section between leaving the Shire and arriving at Bree (which in the movie was instantaneous). This had no affect on the story from the movie standpoint. Another difference was

User rating: January 4, 2002

I thought The Lord Of The Rings was a terriffic movie and novel. It had a wonderful story line. It was fast paced and entertaining!!! It had great graphics and awesome music!

User rating: January 4, 2002

The movie was excellent. It didn`t miss one detail from the book.

User rating: January 4, 2002

amasing simply wonderful- Teresa ______ tronto

User rating: January 4, 2002

I don`t get what the big hype is all about!!

User rating: January 4, 2002
