Based on 234 votes and 67 reviews.
Yes, Halle was good in it. But the movie bombed in Asia. An op-ed in The Global Times said, "“The controversy surrounding Disney’s forced inclusion of minorities in classic films is not about racism, but its lazy and irresponsible storytelling strategy. Many Chinese netizens said that like ‘Snow White,’ the image of the mermaid princess in Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales has long been rooted in their hearts and it takes a leap of imagination to accept the new cast.” A lot of North Americans are probably thinking the same thing. Why put a black girl in a role that was originally white. Would we do the opposite - put a white girl in a role that was originally black? That would probably spark violence in the streets. Write an original black story. Next thing you know, the little mermaid will be played by a man.
It’s mid, I’d rather watch the first one bc it isn’t as scary
I'd rather watch the original movie than waste my time watching this one.
Love the songs.
We can’t stop singing the songs because it was so good! The kids just loved this! People who have bad things to say should put their feelings about black peoples aside or watch something else because she was GREAT
Everything was so incredible, from cast and talent to CGI. I want to see it again!
Cultural diversity in film makes you see beyond skin color . Choice of island setting and music - awesome. Film truly magnifies the colors created by God on land and sea. Look forward to sequel next year.
Disney has lost thier minds, 6 children and they put out this garbage , never again Disney.
Did they get diversity hires to do the CGI too. The CGI looked like X Files in the 90’s. Really dark gloomy and blurry. We really need the best actors and most qualified technicians to do the production.
Not all that good.