The Last Samurai Movie Poster

The Last Samurai

User rating: 4.4 330 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 5, 2003

R | Action, Adventure, Drama | 2h 34m

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User rating: 4.4

Based on 49092 votes and 330 reviews.

  • User rating: 41535 84.68%
  • User rating: 156 0.32%
  • User rating: 116 0.24%
  • User rating: 148 0.30%
  • User rating: 7095 14.46%

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Showing 91-100 of 330 reviews

User rating: February 3, 2004

Thoroughly entertaining! A wonderful piece of movie making. The only reason you will want to look at your watch in the theatre is the hope that the ending is not near. The music score is moving, and the battle scenes leaving you wondering how they ever filmed them. The final battle scene is very moving, and the movie will have you leaving the theatre with a plethara of emotions. In the reviews I have read on this site, no one has mentioned the amount of humour that exists in the movie, and although I am not a Cruise fan, he does a wonderful job. However, his role is overshadowed by the powerful performance of Ken Wanatabe in the supporting ro

User rating: February 2, 2004

I worte a review for this film for my schools english 30 film study i recieved a 94% in short two words to describe this film Breath taking

User rating: February 2, 2004

if they don`t give oscurs to this movie you know the damn award is fixed....

User rating: February 2, 2004

I am a regular 17 year old male and this film made me cry! i went to see it twice and i thought it was one of the best films i have ever seen!, reinforced by the fact that its a true story, 11/10!

User rating: February 1, 2004

Very good movie!! Go see!!

User rating: February 1, 2004

only the first hour i enjoyed, then it went all the way down hill, what a hollywood ending, this was soooo bad.

User rating: February 1, 2004

the worst movie i have seen Tom Cruise in so far;other than the first half which was good it was ruined by corny battle scenes,gladiator style slow motion action,musical score all rip offs. I could not muster one emotion throughout the whole disaster.

User rating: January 30, 2004

Beautifully done. Braveheart, Gladiator and now Last Samurai

User rating: January 29, 2004

This is the kind of big screen quality we should expect from modern cinema. Not all deliver like this one!

User rating: January 28, 2004

very dramatic and well played...very touching. Haven`t see this kind of movie in a long long time