Based on 14429 votes and 397 reviews.
Movie was confusing at times you really have to pay attention. But it was nice seeing Sandra & Keanu together on the screen again.
It was a great movie. I love Sandra Keanu acting together, they have great chemistry. Love the music, going out to buy the soundtrack.
It was so nice to see a movie without special effects,violence, and gratuitous sex. A film about nice people and decency. I loved it...a beautiful love store based around a really interesting concept. You do have to park your brain at the door a little though. Go see it.
Very predictable, and yet sweet. You have to suspend your belief for it to be enjoyable, but you have to do that in fantasy storeys anyway.
IT was an great movie, however, some parts could have used work. IT kept me intrested in it, but I would not buy it.
Loved it/ Sandra and Keanu are always good together.
HATED IT! - hated the stupid time shifting... so annoying to watch..
"The Lake House" ... Have you ever dreamed that tomorrow could be a better today? Do you believe in the harmony of karma? Does the power of True Love really exist? What about you, do you enjoy a good cry? If you answered `Yes.` to any of these questions ... go see "The Lake House"! Keanu has matured marvelously, and Sandra is ... well, you can`t help but feel for her every step of the way.
It was really good. I enjoyed watching it. Keanu Reeves is amazing.