The International Movie Poster

The International

User rating: 4.17 36 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: February 13, 2009

R | Drama, Thriller | 1h 58m

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User rating: 4.17

Based on 542 votes and 36 reviews.

  • User rating: 122 65.59%
  • User rating: 23 12.37%
  • User rating: 11 5.91%
  • User rating: 11 5.91%
  • User rating: 19 10.22%

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Showing 11-20 of 36 reviews

User rating: February 28, 2009

Amazing movie!

User rating: February 27, 2009

predictable at times but still a rauncousy film

User rating: February 27, 2009


User rating: February 26, 2009

This is an action flick with a plot that slowly evolves. Clive Owen holds his own while heading off on a one man crusade against the criminal element. The various international Cityscape views are fantastic.

User rating: February 26, 2009

About half way through the movie I was praying for it to end. But it didn't, it just kept going. We get it, it's a big evil bank.

User rating: February 24, 2009

"Doesn't anyone writing here know how to spell?" Should be... Does anyone writing here know how to spell? So before you go calling out bad spelling bone up on your grammer please !!!!

User rating: February 23, 2009

Doesn't anyone writing here know how to spell? One good action 'seen'??? C'mon people! Use your grown-up words. Oh, yeah, this movie was abysmal. Like bad spelling...

User rating: February 22, 2009

hated this movie only one good action seen, and the storyline was aparently cut off at the end.

User rating: February 22, 2009

this was the best movie in action of all time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

User rating: February 21, 2009

Good moive until the ending, which was really a let down. With it being so predictable I was hoping for something more!