Based on 1196 votes and 20 reviews.
Well done. Matt Sanchez did a wonderful job with the sound editing as he brings the movie to life. Great fight sequences as well.
poorly acted, predictable script and plot, a multitude of improbable events and situations; why would decent actors agree to make such a movie?
A good movie, although it did leave something to be desired. The fact that they made their own weapons at the end of the movie was a nice touch until you realize that it was actually pretty cheesy. An interesting plot, but it could have done with an extra 45 minutes or so of background. 3 stars.
A refreshing take on hand-to-hand combat given the number of martial arts films making it big these days. Still, you have to wonder how the killer found time to forge steel in the middle of a chase scene.
Good movie, but it did leave something to be desired. The chase sequences were well done, but it did lack plot development and dialogue.
Do not waste your money on this one. Very predictable. Extremely thin on quality. Barely even a $4 dollar rental once it his the video store. Can`t believe Tommy Lee Jones even put his name on it. It is beyond comprehension that 93.7% of the votes on here give it 5 stars.
this movie could have been better and some of the scenes aren`t even believable. tommy lee jones is plainly getting to old for chasing criminals, however, some parts were intense and entertaining.
i thought it was a facinating movie full of twists and turns,...i also thought that barneys christmas adventures was trust judgement
What happened to the writers? This movie had no plot, no character development ... when the knife has more personality than the person who weilds it, you have a problem. Waste of time, waste of money, waste of celluloid.
Bling... Bling... Lots of Blood and Gore... Truly a guys movie!!! I really enjoyed it.