Based on 226 votes and 86 reviews.
If you rate this movie 5 stars, you're an idiot - congrats.
so much potential lost to stupidity.
Not sure what people were expecting in the ending, perhaps Jesus to pop out and save the day.... yeah, not likely. Good scary movie.
shitty ending........
Worst movie ever.
Read the reviews - 100% true.
This movie was terrible. I went to see it despite the warnings I got on this site...DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY! So pointless. At least it's short so you don't feel like you wasted your life.
Trust the reviews, this is as bad as a movie gets.
Kudos to the marketing department at Paramount Pictures for getting millions of us to spend our hard earned money of this $hit (slow applause). Like the old saying goes "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".