Based on 9606 votes and 86 reviews.
Adam Sandler makes a far better cobbler than an actor. Nothing new there.
I'll admit I wasn't wild about this the first few times I saw it, but I recognize now the beauty in it and the genius of Sandler's performance.
A really good time with a nice message.
Any five star reviewer here is mistakenly reporting on the wrong movie, or got stoned on moldy popcorn.
This movie now has more five star reviews than the number of people who saw it at the theatre AND those who bought the DVD combined. Mr. Sandler keeps flogging a dead horse here......Get a real job, Adam.
Well, that's an hour and a half I'll never get back. Picking navel lint is time better spent.
The message of this film is a resounding "Time to RETIRE, Adam".
This attempt at filmmaking fails on every level. Even Pee Wee Herman is magnificent in comparison. Hands down.
Directing, script and acting all below average. Yawn.