The Chosen Season 3: Episode 1 - Homecoming Movie Poster

The Chosen Season 3: Episode 1 - Homecoming

User rating: 4.49 60 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: November 18, 2022

Drama | 2h 10m

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User rating: 4.49

Based on 148 votes and 60 reviews.

  • User rating: 122 82.43%
  • User rating: 2 1.35%
  • User rating: 8 5.41%
  • User rating: 6 4.05%
  • User rating: 10 6.76%

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Showing 31-40 of 60 reviews

User rating: November 22, 2022

Three years ago I decided to invest in this project not knowing how it would do. It has grown in leaps and bounds! God has really blessed The Chosen. For those wondering why Little James wasn't healed, I was thinking about the verse about God's power is made perfect in weakness. Since Little James was a leader, he needed to rely on God's power and not being healed yet makes sense because Jesus wants him to rely on God. God does not always give us what we want right away. I hope to see more Chosen episodes in the theater in the future!

User rating: November 22, 2022

I have watched every episode at least 3 times. I own season 1 and 2. Can't wait to be able to buy season three. This series has made my love for Jesus GROW so much. Seeing the love that He has for me is overwhelming! When He was on the cross , I was on His mind.

User rating: November 22, 2022

That is one reason why I like it - they ask a lot of questions and try to answer a few in the movie. Some are "Did Jesus heal everyone he met?" No. "Why did Jesus heal anyone" - Mainly to glorify the Father in Heaven and confirm he had the authority to heal and forgive sins (lame man lowered thru the roof). In the scene with Little James they said what is plausible - that there would be more faith from someone's testimony that had not been healed but still believes. And maybe that was a message ore for us than Little James. The scene of the meeting before sending out the Twelve was awesome. Putting the Zealot with the Tax Collector, etc. Describing what their journey would entail and advising them it could be torturous. All the questions we ask ourselves when we listen to Sunday school lesson they try to portray on screen. I think the 5 + 2 really equals the 5000 questions Dallas & team has asked and 2000 are their plausible answers on screen for us to ponder. Enjoy the journey and ask yourself some questions. Here is one I heard - did Judas think only false prophets were the ones killed and when he knew they were going to kil Jesus he threw in the towel so to speak?

User rating: November 22, 2022

It is the story of a real, loving, personal, compassionate Jesus! WE LOVE THE CHOSEN!! Some of you complained bc he didn’t heal little James but I ask you-have you been healed of every Problem in your life that you have prayed about? I doubt it! I haven’t. Sometimes the answer to our prayers is Yes, sometimes it’s No and sometimes it’s not now! Little James’ answer was not now, bc Jesus had a purpose for his malady. He promised he would be healed in the next life as many of our Christian faithful loved ones who were not healed of Cancer, or emotional trouble or whatever their problems might have been. The Lord was with them through it all but in His wisdom they were not healed in this life. My husband and I thought that scene with Little James was one of the most touching in the 2 episodes. The Lord is always mindful of us but sometimes the answers to our prayers is No and that is Life in mortality!

User rating: November 22, 2022

The story of the gospel transforms lives! It is by far the best story there ever was, is, and ever will be! This cast pulls you into the story of Jesus, and the love He shares with all who have an open heart...from the time He walked the earth until this very second. It is because of Him, we can take out next breath!

User rating: November 22, 2022

"The Chosen" offers a script that fills in, speculatively, the life situations of the first disciples/followers of Jesus. These scenarios and dialogue are organized around the scriptural accounts of the ministry of Jesus. As such, the episodes need to be understood as works of cinematic art rather than interpretations of the gospels. However, the storylines are fully compatible with biblical accounts. The visual aspect of the production is strong, with gritty environments and lighting effects that suggest the producers have consulted quite a bit of classic art, especially Baroque visual art (Caravaggio, Rembrandt, etc.). Acting is solid. Characters speak like real people, not actors pontificating scriptural quotations in overly formal ways.

User rating: November 22, 2022

Jesus never told anyone, "Today is just not your day to be healed." Jesus healed all who came to him (Matthew 15:30, 36). In the movie he turns Little James away. I get it that the creators of this series have artistic license. However, though the movie's not trying to be the Bible, it's certainly trying to be biblical. Which is the only reason I'm calling this scene out. It's a miss. It was painful to watch that scene as hope seemed to be sucked out of the theater. I wasn't the only one who noticed. In fact, at the end of the movie, a young woman stood up on a seat and started calling out truth. Brave girl.

User rating: November 22, 2022

Phenomenal!! It's hard to believe it could get better, but they've outdone themselves. The script is amazing. I think everyone can relate to 1 of the heart-wrenching, heart-warming scenes. It's so relatable, really to anyone, I think, even if you're not a Christian. I love the humor - so endearing. And I bet Jesus was funny and laughed a lot! A joy-filled evening - I'm still bathing in it all and still blown away! Definite must see!

User rating: November 21, 2022

This was fantastic!!! Great production and acting. I love that it is a Christian movie and portrays the life and ministry of Jesus and His disciples. I hope they will continue to offer movies like this!

User rating: November 21, 2022

Howdy! I got to see Season 3, Ep 1 and 2 yesterday! As a retired actor, I was looking for, well frankly, errors. The acting was superb!! The set decorations was amazing. The story line was riveting!! KUDOS!! Well done!