Based on 2375 votes and 632 reviews.
I loved this - an amazing mix of effects and comedy!!!
good movie to watch
Fun movie. That's it!
Great action! Loved the funny stuff too!
Mindless action-packed fun!
Not a bad start to a summer movie season. The FX are amazing, and after watching The A-Team, you'll be hoping for a sequel for next summer.
Very action packed! Loved the TV show...the Hannibal and Face characters...loved 'em!
Whether you are a fan of the original television series, or have just discovered the A-Team, you'll find this a fun romp. Surprisingly enough, with all the gun fire, vehicle crashes and snappy dialogue, you even get to see the characters develop. The movie introduces the characters and shows how they interact with each other and Hannibal (commanding officer and father figure). No, I'm not going to give you a plot synopsis... go see the film. Definitely worth the price of admission... and if they DO make a sequel, my son and I will be there opening week!
Good Action dispite obvious errors
Lots of fun, enjoyed it from beginning til end! Some truly insane stunts!