Based on 5886 votes and 482 reviews.
This movie is an absolute slap in the face to real Star Wars fans. The prequels now look great in comparison. RIP Star Wars.
Comedy in Star Wars has always been present. However, this take an entirely unpolished approach. Instead of the usual one or two characters making a joke every now and again, jokes are shoehorned into nearly every scene. Every character turns into a wise-cracking joke teller. In addition to poor delivery, the jokes are borderline satire with a YOLO swagger mixed in - making this a better sequel to Space Balls than an entry in the Star Wars saga
Worse SW movie, looks very nice but lacks any heart that makes a SW film, hence the one star. Rey is now a super Jedi with no proper training. Poe is an idiot, Finn does nothing. Leia and Luke's characters are just treated badly with no continuity with previous canon films regarding the Force, especially Luke. How they took an iconic character who's motivations we know from the previous films and then crap all over that history and expect people to accept it? I left the cinema stunned and the more I thought about what I saw the more I grew to dislike and now I absolutely hate the film. No Solo, EpIX or any future Disney SW for me.
The guy who directed this thing killed the whole Star Wars saga in one movie. And it doesn't seems lack of warning, since Hamill himself tried to tell the director he might be in (completely) wrong way. At least I will save my money never buying Star Wars products again.
My only hope now is that all of EPISODE H8 was a comatose Finn’s fever dream. How kickass would that be? LOL. Biggest punking in cinema history. Yes, I hated EPISODE H8 with a burning passion. Left the cinema extremely bummed. Saw it twice, just to be sure. Hated it more the second time. Peace out, franchise!
Boring SJW festival. Terrible writing and no logic. Boring heroes and villains. Was disappointing. Will not watch episode 9 or give any money to Disney whatsoever
This movie was massacred by the director's poor writing skills. Not to say that the film wasn't visually stunning, but what it had in visuals it lacked in plot and logic. The film is filled with inconsistent plot points and a completely illogical storyline. This is certainly NOT a true Star Wars film in my opinion. The Director/Writer and Disney completely miss the mark here. This is the last Star Wars film I will be seeing.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away there was story that inspired and brought a sense of wonder to a generation of people. A modern myth was created and was passed down to new generations of fans who were also inspired by and moved by its story of heroism, self-sacrifice, and friendship. Was it perfect? No, but even with it's flaws it still captured the hearts of millions. What happened? I sat in the theater with my children hoping that they would be inspired by the same magic that inspired me when I first saw Star Wars many years ago. What we got was a bleak, lifeless and hollow tale. Did it look good? Sure. It was visually appealing but the beautiful imagery masked a hollow plot filled with empty and uninspiring characters who did pointless things for illogical reasons. It was a meandering tale that seemed to exist in a space of it's own, never building on what came before. "Let the past die" was the battle-cry of this shallow movie masquerading as a Star Wars tale and that is what it accomplished. But what the writer and director of this movie failed to realize is that great things are built on the shoulders of giants. Epic stories build on what comes before. In subverting all of the themes, plots and characters that preceded The Last Jedi, the creators pulled the rug out from Star Wars itself. That, more than anything else, describes how I felt at the closing credits. The deconstruction of Star Wars in The Last Jedi was so complete that there is nowhere to go now. To quote a far greater writer who looked on the bleakness and nihilism of the modern age and despaired: "This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper."
If this is what stimulates the new generation - god help us. The only thing that could save this franchise now is for Sheev to come back and lay waste to the entire galaxy with force lightening, put this fanatical sick disney mouse to rest, and let the midichlorians of the galaxy create life anew (apparently this is now possible as Yoda demonstrates in this abomination of film by setting fire to things). That or perhaps let Marcia Lucas edit another Star Wars film, but even then she could probably not do much with the content being created under Kathleen Kennedy.
Shameful, absolutely shameful. I have never felt compelled to leave a movie review, much less on a Star Wars movie. I pains me to do this but Rian Johnson and Disney must be held accountable for this sick, insulting, offensive abomination. I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.