Based on 38186 votes and 692 reviews.
I would agree that this movie is not a 5, but to those who blindly give it a 1 is also unrealistic. It was a good movie that completes the saga. Lots of good action and, yes, some poor dialog and writing. But be fair - it is in the 4 range. The reason to vote 5 is to balance those who give it a 1.
The problem is that most people are sold out "I haven`t seen the movie yet, but can imagine it is good" I mean you could give them a a screen with the face of darth vader repeating "Luke I am your father" and people would say OMG this is the best movie of all time... Come on, seriously this movie has NO depth, it is SO predictable and the acting is awfull. The sad scenes almost made me burst into endless laughter, I had to redeem myself from fear of being ganked by the overwhelming amount of geeks around me!
More like a video game than a movie. Too many fragmented battle scenes, hence it was a incoherence movie - perhaps if I were to direct and write the script. Could have been much better.
I`m not really a Star Wars fan, but I enjoyed this movie. It explained everything you need to know before the older episodes, even though it is obvious. Great entertainment, will make hundreds of millions and that`s WHY Lucas ripped off The 7th Samurai anyway.
Probably the best in the Saga, if not it is comparable to ESB and ROTJ. Everything came together exactly as I was hoping, I was not as suprised as I was releved that it turned out great. Anakin to the dark side was great and the Jedi temple scene. It was a very strong film and a great finale to a Saga.
Good actors, flat acting, equals bad director. Mediocre movie at best that only hard core fanatics known as nerds would blindly give this movie a 5 star.
The true nature of vader and emperor is masterfully revaled. An excellent movie
All may relaxe, Starwars eps 3 is a huge success. I wanted to cry when i seen the ending credits roll, he finaly finished the puzzle
I must`ve seen a different movie from everyone else... George Lucas should now licence out Star Wars so people with real talent get a shot with the movie... I was more disappointed in this movie than the others, because with the others there was always the next one to redeem the Star Wars franchise... alas with the third episode there is no more so I sink into despair and hope the excellent story telling occurs in the computer games (Knights of the Republic, etc.) and novels... the movie has a lot more violence than the previous installments but the fight scenes are nothing to marvel at outside of General Grievance`s battle (which is decent a