Based on 2313 votes and 253 reviews.
worst movie i have ever seen
I thought this movie reflected very positivley of the game, seeing as how the game was rated the scariest game series to ever be created, this movie brings that intensity to the big screen with an eerie feeling that doesn`t make you turn your head in fear, but instead keeps you watching to see what will happen next. I could`ve sworn I heard the siren from that movie when I was walking home at night and I heard a scream and as I was walking up to my street, I stopped to look behind me, and the street light turned off, needless to say this movie stays with you, and you will want to see it time and time again, 5 stars for sure
4 out of 10...The 4 only because they used the music from the games..which was cool..and I think they did a great job on the props and scenery..matched the games quite well...But... The acting realllllyyyyy sucked..!!!!
An amazing movie. To fans of the games of which it is based on, it is a first in that it actually lives up to the series` quality. As a movie on its own, Silent Hill doesn`t disappoint.
Great movie. Nice twist.
This was the most horrible movie I have ever seen. I t was really bizarre and I really don`t get it. Especially the ending.
Great movie. I don`t really like most horror movies but this one was actually entertaining. The only real problem I had with it is all the "video game logic". Example: She finds a hotel key somewhere, so therefore she has to go to the hotel and find the room. Why?? Sure that`s how it works in video games but it makes NO sense in real life. Anyway I really did enjoy Silent Hill overall. I give it 4 stars.
Very cool movie. Interesting unique direction, solid acting and really cool fx made this movie work. The plot is creepy and a little hard to follow untill the ending, but overall, a good atmospheric creepout movie.
Thought it was too long and thought is was confusing probably cuz I never followed the game. Wasn`t scary at all!
This is a great movie, as the director said it`s for people who have played its games. If you didn`t play or know the original game stories the movie plot may not make any sense. For a "Game to Film" movie, I think they did a way better job than the Resident Evil. While Silent Hill allow the story to use new characters and settings to setup it is more flexible and easier to create a better movie, the mood and style fits in really well too. If you found the storyline confusing or cannot understand its point at all, it`s probably because you don`t have any knowledge of what Silent Hill is about.