Based on 626 votes and 217 reviews.
It was okay. Does every Star Wars movie have to be about a child separated from their parents? Disney + Star Wars = disappointment.
Very weak movie. First half was totally boring. Wooden acting. The galactic battle scenes were way too long and looked as though they were borrowed from previous SW movies. Last 15 mins were good, but I suffered 1.5 hrs to get there.
To all the negative reviews - what did you expect. If you don't like the franchise don't go but don't insult others who liked it! The movie is darker, better and more entertaining than the rest of the saga.
Was there a plot to this? Not really. Watch the first part of Star Wars A New Hope or whatever it is they call the original, real Star Wars and you get the plot. It's summed up in one sentence. The rest is just a bunch of actors running around and noise. This one is for idiots with a short attention span.
Good movie. Too much people bashing this movie for silly reasons we all the fans know. lol Love the story style of the movie. Great representation of one of the officers who died in 1994. Do you know the actor never like to wear boots and this why you never saw his feet in the original movie? Darth Vader again was brought back with some of his evil power. The battle action in the space brought back good action scenes from the Returning of the Jedi.
This one is Groundhog Day over again.... Story line stinks the actors are betrayed by the Hollywood Mongols i.e. a quick fast buck con job to butter up their bank accounts at the views expense! The Public works hard for their money at least they could respect our intelligence without that perpetual mental diarrhea call Movie Making
Act 1: 25 min - Decent set up. Main characters given task to resolve. Act 2: (35-55 min) - Saggy middle. This section was aimless. The characters felt pushed around with little to do. The audience probably fell asleep during these section. No rising action. No tension. No excitement. Act 3: (60-120 min) - Climax/Resolution. Action packed. Lose ends tied up. Main characters resolves issue. Overall, the story contained an interesting premise, yet failed to maintain a sense of excitement through out the picture. The film does provide connecting elements with episode 4, which was fascinating to experience, but the 2nd act really needed a supercharge load of excitement and purpose to keep audiences engaged.
Loved it! Went home and watched episode IV
I just saw this movie with my son and we both loved it.