Based on 15712 votes and 1582 reviews.
I found it very entertaining and quite amusing. The character of Captain Jack Sparrow was actually quite brilliant. Great acting.
aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr Maties!! It is a great movie. Aye aye!
Was an awesome movie, I hope they make more of it...
This is the BEST movie ever!! I loved every miniute of it!! A MUST have!! Can`t wait for pirrates of the carribian: At world`s end!!!
It was a good movie and it had my attention, mind you the first one like most most other movies was better.
Awesome.Lots of action that keeps you thinking about the past.Great movie for the summer block buster.
this is a wicked movie. johnny depp is so hot and i cant wait to see the third part. everyone should watch this movie because it was so freaking cool!!!
I thought is was the most awsome movie I`ve seen all summer.
very good end a little shake, more intresting then the first but no worse no better then the first I think
Great sequel! Enjoyed this more than the first movie; can`t wait to see the follow-up. Very well done.