Based on 377 votes and 85 reviews.
Great movie, i dont know how you could give this 1 star, clearly they dont go to many movies so they dont appreciate quality when they see it
Gerard Butler's hot!!
Absolutly horrible. Story line was ridiculous. Jamie Fox did himself a diservice being in this movie and after this I don't think Butlers A very good actor. Although the dialogue they were given to work with was terrible.Both myself and my husband thought it was awful and we are avid action film lovers....
Brilliant movie! Gilbert Khoury Filmmaker
Kept me on the edge of my seat!! soo good, even though some parts were predictable:D
1. The ending ruined the whole thing for me. It looked like the writer(s) didn't know how to follow through and took the easy way out. Completely unsatisfying. 2. The explanation as to how the main character did what he did was a bit boring. Of all the scenarios they could have gone with, why such an unoriginal one? That said... it was entertaining enough.
This was a pretty brilliant movie, really keeps ya wondering what's going on and who's doing it. Loved it!
This was a pretty brilliant movie, really keeps ya wondering what's going on and who's doing it. Loved it!
Very good movie, keeps you on your toes the whole time!!
Great movie!