Based on 132 votes and 48 reviews.
A true Disney adventure film for imagination and variety. Fun ride for all. Keep in mind this is just a movie and a more exciting cruise than you may have been on a Jungle cruise at Disney Parks. Full of laughs and surprise.
A movie of a search for a mythological arrow in the untamed tropical Jungle . Dwayne Johnson, the physical size of King Kong but more like Tarzan escorts Emily Blont on her quest for the betterment of Mankind maybe only a fantasy of hers is action packed.
i love dwayne but this is horrible. a bad mix of “pirates of the caribbean“ meets “indiana jones“ meets “the mummy“. lame animation, predictable plot, studio backgrounds. soooo bad i had to take breaks to calm myself down to keep watching it. do not watch if above 8 y.o.
Lots of fun, I really enjoyed it! Nice to see the cinemas getting busier!
Lots of action scenes. Very good interaction between characters. It’s what you would expect from an adventure type movie. Did not disappoint.
Fun boat ride adventure, good acting and scenery/effects, best character: Proxima the jaguar murder cat!
Definitely a must see! Lot of action in a different way, plenty of surprises and acting is terrific Emily Blunt really shines and the Rock great as usual. Lots of laughs, intense at times, suspense and thrilling. Go for the ride.
There's so much going on it's hard to take it all in but woe the characters are intense and very well done.