Joy Movie Poster


User rating: 2.55 51 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: December 25, 2015

PG-13 | Comedy, Drama | 2h 4m

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User rating: 2.55

Based on 232 votes and 51 reviews.

  • User rating: 46 23.96%
  • User rating: 26 13.54%
  • User rating: 14 7.29%
  • User rating: 8 4.17%
  • User rating: 98 51.04%

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Showing 41-50 of 51 reviews

User rating: December 29, 2015


User rating: December 28, 2015

Not bad but very one sided. Joy is portrayed as the savior of her family. She is always taking care of her unappreciative family while they are very negative whenever she has challenges only supporting her when things go right. No wonder they were always suing her.

User rating: December 28, 2015

Don't believe the negative trolls. This is a good movie with a good story about inventing a product and creation of the shopping channel. We both thought it was good and JLaw is a great actress here as usual. ( The person who posted JLaw ruins an other movie is just a hater )

User rating: December 27, 2015

so over acted this was a boring movie.

User rating: December 27, 2015

rough start to the movie, but after the first ten minutes, it is a marvelous film. About real life in trying to succeed.

User rating: December 27, 2015

It takes a woman! Determination guts glamore and glory...I thought the movie had a lot to offer.

User rating: December 27, 2015

those persons who put in negative reviews don't understand what it is to be an entrepenure! I enjoyed the movie.

User rating: December 27, 2015

great show, a must see

User rating: December 27, 2015

I enjoyed the movie. For anyone who has ever tried to start up a business, it takes courage, and yes it is full of ups and downs, the movie is realistic. The story has so many messages in it...i think it is a must see. People who work in public sector would never understand the message. People who have had things handed to them on a silver platter would never understand the message. Go see it and see if you can apply it to your life. It is a good movie. Acting is very good. This woman is an actress who has a lot of talent.

User rating: December 27, 2015

Contrary to the other negative reviews, I thought this was a very good and inspirational movie for all entrepreneurs and any would-be entrepreneurs.y