Based on 480 votes and 227 reviews.
Great movie, I actually felt myself relating with the main character. Kept thinking what it would be like to be put in that situation.
Very good movie
Wonderfully cute movie...just loved it. Definitely check this one out.
Joaquin Phoenix is great in this movie. Not your typical storyline but a good movie.
Super movie! Love Jaoquim!!
strange ending, what happened to all the os.
Whatever idea you think you have about HER, park it at the door. This is not a robotic science fiction movie. Come to the theatre with an open mind and you'll be in for a pleasant and enriching journey that shows the richness and possibility of human relationships. You read right: HER directed by eclectic director Spike Jonze (Being John Malcovitch) explores human emotions between Theodore (Joaquin Phoenix), mourning over his marriage breakdown to his first love as well as a professional love lorn letter writer and Samantha (voiced by Scarlett Johannsonn), the voice of Theodore's phone new operating system. Her explores human relationships with honesty, sensiitiviity and best of all realis
A truly unique and interesting love story.
I wasn't sure what I was going to get with this move but I wasn't disappointed. You are brought into this world not so far from our own. A world almost void of human interaction. Rather a fantasy based reality created to meet our need to be loved. In the end it takes an operating system to open Theodore's eyes to who he is, has been and now become.
I found it to be a very interesting concept for a relationship. but even without the physical aspect they found they had problems as well.