In Theaters: April 2, 2004
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Thriller | 2h 5m
Based on 7167 votes and 72 reviews.
I didn`t expect much going in, but really appreciated how the characters were introduced. Avoids the common comic-book-movie mistake of being too ambitious. Tells one simple story well, instead of trying to be overly complex (so that only fans of the books get it). Don`t expect great acting, but fairly credible performances, given the genre. An Action flick with a heart and a smile.
Tuff movie that u gotta watch!!!
Worst movie I`ve ever seen.
best movie!!!!!
best movie!!!!!
Surprisingly good, excellent effects and funny.
Not bad . . not bad.
Good acting. Not a bad comic book-to-film adaptation.
It was mediocre. Good beginning but it lost me after the "alien-like" creatures started multiplying.
simply awesome.....