In Theaters: November 19, 2010
PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Other, Sci-Fi | 2h 26m
Based on 2788 votes and 848 reviews.
I can hardly wait for the second part! This adaptation stayed quite true to the book and any changes were minor. Definitely exceeded my expectations!
Wow... I must say that, until this movie, I thought that David Yates was not the best director for the Harry Potter movies; after this one, he definetely proved me wrong!
This movie is the best Harry Potter movie, and it only half over.It is closes to the books since the second movie.
Have to say this movie was wonderful to watch and I can't wait for the second part.
This movie was not what I expected it to be, but good all the same can not wait to see the last one.
The overall feel of the movie is true to the book. Can't wait for the second one where all the action is!
It totally does make you want to see Part 2 right away! I will be so sad when its over!
An awesome first installment. I am a bit let down on some of the scenes they didn't decide to add in, but considering that there's only so much material they can film, I'm happy with what they have. The pace is pretty good and it certainly leads up to great cliff-hanger. It'll definitely be exciting to see part 2. The only downside - we have to wait until July? for the conclusion! :(
Love the books and the movies.