Based on 5342 votes and 2340 reviews.
Excellent visual effects, great acting.
Great! The film is about that moment when you suffered misfortune that seemed unendurable and believed all hope was lost and that you might as well curl up and die, and then you didn't.
amazing movie, thrilling and exhilarating.
I can't get over the phenomenal graphics of this movie and the action. What can I say, I've always had a great interest of outer space.
Sandra Bullock was amazing!!!! And George Clooney was good too!!!
IT'S OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Highly recommended!
I love it. VEry realistic. It scared me so much.
Intense. Extreme level of fear imagining being in that moment. Not knowing is paralyzing. Very gripping with the thought of what if????? Watching the trailer left me with a feeling of wow, what would I do, how would i hold it together? Intense!!!!!
The movie was great. When I mean great, I could not tell which was better, the scenery or the storyline. It was just great and hope to see it again. Sandra Bullock does great acting in this picture. Great
Best movie I have seen all year.