Based on 5342 votes and 2340 reviews.
Good graphic tech with computer gen images. Acting stretched with situation.
We found the plot unbelievable and that took away from enjoying the film. Did not like Sandra's performance.
It is a great movie, which I would recommend to my friends.
Good acting but not overly exciting. Was good to see it on the big screen for the effects, but likely would not see it again.
GRAVITY We saw the film Gravity last night in 3D, and the effect was invisibly immersive. Near Earth space is portrayed exquisitely beautifully. The visuals look and feel viscerally real. The circumstances, although extreme, are certainly possible. The movie is only 90 minutes long - exactly the amount of time it takes for orbiting spacecraft like the ISS to complete one orbit around the planet. In essence, the film-makers have presented the events of the story in real time. These events commence at the beginning of one orbit and conclude upon completion and the beginning of the next. Yet it isn't the physics of being in "outer" space that make the story of the two main characters
Amazing FX! The acting was really good as well
For centuries humans have lived under the solopsistic assumption that the Universe they live in has been designed with them in mind. But truth is that the Universe is a truly inhospitable place, and, if anything, our existence is mere happenstance, and Gravity illustrates that beautifully. Starring George Clooney and Sandra Bullock as NASA astronauts, Cuaron sucks you in from the first shot: A long shot of Earth as a space shuttle eventually makes its way into the frame, ending up in a close shot. Filming in 3-D, Cuaron captures the immense and deafening silence of space, the floating motion of zero gravity, along with the hopelessness that you would feel if you ever got stranded in space
This movie had great special effects. Sandra Bullock was perfect in the role.
very well done and very interesting
Weak and predictable story line with best feature of movie being the special effects. Acting was OK , at best. Difficult to feel empathetic for the characters.