Ghostbusters Movie Poster


User rating: 2.48 230 Reviews | Write a Review

In Theaters: July 15, 2016

PG-13 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 1h 57m

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User rating: 2.48

Based on 11042 votes and 230 reviews.

  • User rating: 420 32.16%
  • User rating: 60 4.59%
  • User rating: 24 1.84%
  • User rating: 28 2.14%
  • User rating: 774 59.26%

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Showing 41-50 of 230 reviews

User rating: October 14, 2016

I'm a sucker for ghost stories but the scares just weren't there.

User rating: October 13, 2016

They couldn't scare up any real laughs

User rating: October 7, 2016

Beyond terrible. There are more laughs to be had in SHOAH. Leslie Jones's character sets back the image of African-Americans by a century. Razzies are inevitable.

User rating: September 28, 2016

I finally took the time to watch this movie...And I have to admit..I was actually suprised by how much I enjoyed it. Everytime Chris Hemsworth was on screen, I had tears in my eyes from laughing so much. Kristen Wigg was excellent as well..This movie did not deserve all the hate it got, even I take back every negative thing that I said about it. It didn't live up to the originals, but it was still a great addition to the Ghostbusters universe. Don't listen to the negative reviews...They where mostly posted by people who never even saw the movie and wanted it to fail..Like me. But now that I ACTUALLY watched it, I have to admit, it is worth the money.

User rating: September 20, 2016

I was very surprised at the fact that these ladies pulled it off very well, Im an old skool ghost buster fan and was skeptical if the female version was going to be good at all.,and it is very well directed and funny to.

User rating: September 20, 2016

Remakes are rarely as good as the original and this movie proves that beyond doubt. Acting was terrible, the black girl looked scarier than any ghost in the movie and it just sucked overall.

User rating: September 11, 2016

Not Funny!!!

User rating: September 2, 2016

zero stars

User rating: August 31, 2016

This was a really good movie with some good laughs and a decent story. Honestly, I would give it four stars, but I think some people are giving it one star because they're racist sexist A-...uh...jerks who didn't actually watch the movie. It's Funny. Go. You'll like it. It's not the best thing ever, but it's a nice movie.

User rating: August 28, 2016

Best movie I've seen in years! Loved it.